
javascript, TypeScript

How to set up routing in an Express.js project using TypeScript

This tutorial will go through the steps to set up routing with express.js and some best practices. This post follows the setup of the Express.js backend system described here: How to set up a Node.js backend using Express.js and TypeScript What is routing? A route is a system that associates an HTTP request and a

How to set up routing in an Express.js project using TypeScript Read Post »

javascript, TypeScript

8 Reasons to consider TypeScript for your next development project

If you’re looking for a more structured and sophisticated web development project language, TypeScript might be the right choice for you. Here are 8 reasons why you should consider using it for your next project: 1. It can make code much more readable and organized. TypeScript can help to clarify your code and make it

8 Reasons to consider TypeScript for your next development project Read Post »

javascript, TypeScript

How to setup a Svelte with Typescript project

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that provides optional static typing, classes, and modules. Static types allow TypeScript to provide more accurate type checking and tooling support. Classes and modules enable better organization of your code. TypeScript can be used with any existing JavaScript codebase. It transpiles down to plain old JavaScript so there’s no

How to setup a Svelte with Typescript project Read Post »

javascript, TypeScript

How to set up a Node.js backend using Express.js and TypeScript

Node.js is one of the most popular node frameworks for web developers today, and when combined with Express.js, it can be even more powerful. Express is a node framework that lets you build node apps in an easy way by using node’s built-in middleware concept. This has many benefits like making your code more readable

How to set up a Node.js backend using Express.js and TypeScript Read Post »

javascript, react, TypeScript

How to create a custom React hook to fetch an API (using TypeScript)?

Hooks are convenient for modern react development. The react framework comes with standard hooks to manage state, for example, with useState, and here we will write our hook to fetch data from any API. Buț first … … what is a hook? A hook is a javascript or typescript function that can include other hooks.

How to create a custom React hook to fetch an API (using TypeScript)? Read Post »

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